Filter tips

Filter tips

Tobacco in the mouth? No way! Filter tips are attachments or small mouthpieces without filtering effect, designed to prevent particles from getting in the mouth....

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Black Leaf Long Papers ein muss für jeden
Black Leaf Premium Filter Tips perforated

Booklet à 40Tips

From €0.60 *
Sexy Filter Tips with various Designs

PU 1Booklet
a 35Tips

€1.50 *
Black Leaf Filtertips wide

Box with 20 Booklets

€15.00 *
Rolls Smart Filter VIP Pack

Pack à 60Filters L 35mm
Ø 6mm

From €9.99 *
OCB Filter-Tips

50Tips each

€1.29 *
RAW Black Classic Filter Tips

PU 50Booklets
a 50Tips
L 60/18mm

From €0.50 *
RAW Tips

Box with 50 Booklets
chemical free

€20.00 *
Close filters
from to
1 From 4
No results were found for the filter!
ELEMENTS RAINBOW Filter Tips perforated

a 50Tips

€12.50 *
KAIO Ceramic screw-in filter

L 50/75mm
Ø 5/9mm

€6.50 *
OCB Filter Tips Rolled Virgin unbleached

PU 1 Box a 25Tips
L 20mm
Ø 6,5mm

€2.25 *
OCB Curved Tips

1 Booklet
32Tips each

€1.50 *
OCB Filter-Tips

50Tips each

€1.29 *
OCB Unbleached Filter Tips

1 Booklet
50Tips each

€1.29 *
RAW Black Classic Filter Tips

PU 50Booklets
a 50Tips
L 60/18mm

From €0.50 *
ELEMENTS Filter Tips

PU 50Booklets
a 50Tips
L 60/18mm

From €0.50 *
Jilter ECO Roll-in Filters

PU 1x1000Filters
L 12mm
Ø 6mm

€26.50 *
GIZEH Papers KSS with Tips

Booklet 34Papers+Tips each

From €2.50 *
buho NATURAL Tips

PU 1Booklet
50Tips each

€0.50 *
Jilter ECO Roll-in Filters

PU 1x42Filters
L 12mm
Ø 6mm

€1.75 *
1 From 4

Tobacco in the mouth? No way! Filter tips are attachments or small mouthpieces without filtering effect, designed to prevent particles from getting in the mouth. Mostly made of paper as sheet or pre-rolled. Discover our cool designs: 52 playing cards, sugar skulls, dollar bills and much more. For multiple use we also carry wooden or even borosilicate (heat proof) glass filter-tips.

Tabak im Mund?! No way! Filter Tips sind Vorsätze bzw. kleine Mundstücke ohne Filterwirkung, die eine Verunreinigungen der Mundpartie durch Tabak verhindern. Meist aus Papier, als Blatt oder vorgedreht. Entdecke unsere Filtertips mit chilligen Designs: 52 Pokerkarten, Sugar Skulls, Dollarscheine und viele mehr. Für Mehrfachverwendung führen wir auch Tips aus Holz oder Brosilitglas.

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